
Pupillometry and processing of morphologically (pseudo) complex words

Mukai, Y., & Järvikivi, J. (in preparation)

Phonetic variability of stops and nasals in Japanese across a range of speaking styles

Mukai, Y., & Tucker, B. V. (in preparation)

Examining cognitive control in people with aphasia

Wilson.C., Mukai, Y., Figeys, M., Suleman, S., Garcia, R., & Kim, E.S. (in preparation)

Rhythm metrics and the timing pattern of read and spontaneous speech: The case of Japanese, English, and L2 English

Mukai, Y., & Tucker, B. V. (in preparation)

Rhythm and fuency: Durational variability as a perceptual correlate of fuency in L2 speech

Mukai, Y., Wood, D., & Tucker, B. V. (in preparation)

Processing disfluencies and anticipations for upcoming words: What are listeners actually doing?

Mukai, Y., & Järvikivi, J. (in progress)